
Livré en spectacle aux hommes et aux anges: Martyrs, sacrifice et retour d’âmes dans l’Amérique du Nord coloniale
Pages : 180-206 

in Book:

Regards sur l’âme en Nouvelle-France : Histoire des spiritualités individuelles et collectives en espace colonial
Edited by Joy Palacios and Anne Regent-Susini
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024



Thine Own by Adoption: Conversion, Integration, and Fictive Kinship in the Life of Thérèse Oionhaton, Seventeenth-Century Wendat Convert
Pages : 46-64

in Book:

Religious Intimacies: Intersubjectivity in the Modern Christian West
Edited by Mary Dunn and Brenna Moore, 2000




Healing and Ecclesial Response in Nineteenth-Century Catholic France 
Pages : 40-58

in Book:

SSpiritual Healing: Science,Meaning, and Discernment
Edited by Sarah Coakley. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2020



The Road not Taken: Reexamining Pierre-Anthoine Pastedechouan and the Recollets
Pages : 207-224

in Book:

Les Récollets en Amérique: Traces et Memoire
Edited by Paul-André Dubois and Jean-François Plante. Quebec City, QC: Les presses de l'Université Laval, December 2018



Pilgrims’ Presence: Catholic Continuity in Contemporary Quebec 
Pages :156-185

in Book:

Everyday Sacred: Religion in Contemporary Quebec
Edited by Hillary Kaell. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017.



My Spirit found a Unity with this Holy Man:' A Nun's Visions and the Negotiation of Pain and Power in Seventeenth Century New France 
Pages :85-104

in Book:

Dreams, Dreamers and Visions in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Edited by Anne Plane and Leslie Tuttle. Philadelphia, PA:, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013.



Blood, Fire, and 'Baptism': Three Perspectives on the Death of Jean de Brébeuf, Seventeenth-Century Jesuit 'Martyr' 
Pages :125-158

in Book:

Native Americans, Christianity, and the Reshaping of the American Religious Landscape
Edited by Joel Martin  and Mark Nicholas. Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press, 2010.




Les Représentatifs Naïfs : l'exhibition, le baptême, et l'éducation des "petites sauvages" en Frances au dix-septième siècle 
Pages :305-321

in Book:

Histoires d'enfants
Edited by Hélène Cazes. Presse de L'Université Laval: Laval, 2008.



They Should be Ashamed to Eat, who are Reluctant to Work': The Jesuit Agriculturalist Ethic on the Frontiers of Eighteenth-Century New Spain 
Pages :306-351

in Book:

Christianity and Native Cultures: Perspectives from Different Regions of the World
Edited by C. Pullapilly et al. Notre Dame, IN, Cross Cultural Press, 2004.




Fatal Ambivalence: The Religious Journey of Pierre-Anthoine Pastedechouan, Seventeenth-Century Montagnais Amerindian 
Pages :352-383

in Book:

Christianity and Native Cultures: Perspectives from Different Regions of the World
Edited by C. Pullpilly et al. Cross Cultural Press: Notre Dame, IN, 2004.

